Sunday, May 13, 2012


I had some little chat with my own self sometimes, I’m not crazy at all. But I usually think what’s going on with my life lately.
I’m Geminian. i don’t know what it is with geminis but i find myself sort of resentful in certain moment. i don’t like being tied down, i like freedom. oooh, but even though i don’t like to be tied down, secretly i need security and stability. and when I’m feel something i think as love and suddenly realize that it isn’t, end up breaking someone’s heart and that is devastating. i break two hearts; my heart and theirs, I’ll feel it, just maybe not now ‘cause I’m too busy searching what “feeling” is.. maybe one day when I’m not thinking about it, i will actually feel it..
just feel the way you feel, don’t overthink it. one thing about me as geminians, i tend to analyze everything. and that may not be good when it comes to relationships.
yea, Gemini, complex yet unique.
from the story above that you have read, it’s not that Gemini doesn’t have heart, they’re just too complex to be described. because, the problem of some geminis is they cannot figure out their feelings towards people, they just don’t know where to put that “feeling” when it comes to an intense relations.
Gemini needs space, but companion too. pretty complex, right?

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